For businesses around the world, one of the biggest challenges is converting promising leads into paying customers. While you might think you have a plan in place already for converting leads, today we’re going to share with you a simple strategy that will help to take your business to the next level this year.
Prepare for the Next Year
For small business owners, you should already have access to all of the data from your clients. This should include their address, which is one piece of data many businesses overlook. The end of the year is the perfect time to send them a little gift, and it will make them think of you when it comes to investing in a new product or service for the following year. There’s no better time than the present to start collecting data for the end of the year though, so that you are well prepared when this time comes. Of course, you can use this strategy at any time to send your clients a gift to help set you apart from the competition.
Give Customers a Reason to Come Back
Existing customers are also an area you need to focus on. If you want people to return to your store, you need to give them an incentive to do that. E-commerce businesses already have all of the information you need to start sending a gift to your clients. For local businesses, try to capture this data when they are purchasing your product or service, then put the information to good use at the right time. Customers often need a little nudge in the right direction to ensure they choose your business over your nearest competitor.
Focus on the Top 50 Clients Within Larger Businesses
For larger businesses, the strategy we shared above may not be the most cost-effective way of working. We recommend just selecting the top 50 clients, who would be the ones that generate the most revenue for your company. These are the clients to focus on, as you want to ensure they continue working with you during the next year. It’s quick and easy to find your top customers, and then you can use this data to send them a present.
Learn More About Converting Leads
If you are looking to learn more about this strategy, we highly encourage you to read The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd by Allan Dib. This insightful book will help any business owner earn more money this year. Instead of just randomly doing marketing activities when you feel like it, the book helps you to put together a reliable plan to quickly grow your business.
By following the top tips we shared above, you’ll soon attract more business for your company in no time at all. This strategy can be applied to businesses of all shapes and sizes, and we can’t wait to see how it transforms your operations in the next year or two.